
Ecuador, My Home for the past Four and a Half Years. Part 2 of 3 – River Journeys, Poverty and Haciendas.

Poverty is a relative concept.

Many of the FARC people have never known life in a house. School is a concept never experienced. The lack of education across many parts of South America has made me wonder whether it is a political construct to retain such standards. The divide between the ‘haves’ and the ‘have-nots’ is a stark reality here.

The wealth of this nation is in the ground. Rarely does one see such fertility in the soil. Mineral wealth has been largely ignored. The excuse is environmental responsibility. The reality is lack of knowledge. I have not met a single Ecuadorian outside Government circles who knows about the realities of mining.

This country could be and should be wealthy. I know where it is but I am not going to publicise.


All Images ©Edward Bryans