
ART: What the senses receive and how the mind interprets its responses through a very personal expression. Water Art … a very different form of expression.

Title Image – Abstract Water Art Image: Shutterstock

I am fortunate enough to know or have known a number of artists all of whom I admire for differing reasons. The common denominator with each is their singularity of purpose: how they reveal to others their expression of internal reactions and emotions to the world they experience.

I have written a few pieces, all about artists whom I know or have known – Charlie Mackesy, Dame Elisabeth Frink, Charlie Church and there are others to follow.

Each of these artists has a ‘handwriting’, a style to their work which makes any one of their pieces instantly recognisable.


The Trip by Drew Brophy

This post is about a very alternative artform: water art. The artists literally paint in water using various tools to move and manipulate the paint on the surface of the water. To me, the experience of the ‘art’ is to watch the processes employed.

I hope you enjoy the show!

Van Gogh:

How to paint a carnation:

Graphic ‘transfer’

Ebru Art by The American Islamic College

This is a basic tutorial video from

imgCopy of Van Gogh’s Starry Night. Image: Youtube

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